Sunday, September 17, 2006

Godawful Rubbish

Found this in Metropolis, the free english street mag, most of it is devoted to this kind of stuff

"Designers Eva Paster and Michael Geldmacher thought a bookshelf should break patterns and expand the mind - the same way books do"

Perhaps if i ripped off one of the fiberboards with my bare arms and broke it over your head it might. The only people dumb enough to think what you just said makes sense can't read, so it looks like you missed your target market.

another article asks the question

"How does your sake cup rate from a fun or humor standpoint?"

lets see....what was the question again. wait a minute it was rhetorical, the author goes on

"Well, perhaps it's time to add a bit of personality to your drinkware!"

I am not questioning the merit of good design, I like things to look nice as much as the next person, but if i ever find myself questioning a piece of drinkwares personality, I would like whoever is nearest to me to talk me gently into a car and drive me to the nearest hostpital where they have nice plastic cups that cant conspire against anyone.


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