Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday afternoon in Kawasaki

Been a few days since i put a blog up. Ive been sick with pharangytis for the last few days; coughing up blood, throwing up stomach acids and getting very little sleep. Its been great. Today i felt a little better and since grant was hungover and looking for something to do we decided to walk around in a direction we had never been before. This ended happily as our chance expedition saw us spending most of the afternoon in the spectator stands of a high school girls sports day. Truly a splendid time was had by all.

Meanwhile its Annas birthday today. Obviously I would like to be in Melbourne for that and the Northcote music festival tommorow however I realise I am coming back very soon so it makes it alot easier than this time last year. I am looking forward to coming back to Melbourne, it is a great city.

Over here the humidity is dropping and being replaced by a rare thing for Tokyo...some nice weather. No doubt this helped our enjoyment of the all girl fraternity grudge match this afternoon. Tommorow there may be a drinks in yoyogi park and going to the room in shibuya for some rare groove night in the evening.

Thought id write a what im doing blog for a change.


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