Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Forms, Formulas et al

Filling in Application forms that just refuse to die. Why do these companies register with an employment service that are supposed to save your details as an online resume supposedly because it more convenient and then ask that you fill out all the same tedious details on their own websites application form.

At least I can listen to music. Today I have listened to some of the Shins Album but I can never do a whole album of those guys, Miles and Gil Evans sketches of Spain, some obscure jazz fusion record by a guy called Ricky Lane that Dion passed to me and now I'm listening to Stereolabs Dots and Loops album. Its what I always listen to when I cant think what to listen to. Its not that I even like Stereolab that much or ever remember their songs, but they're my go to band whenever there's nothing else I really want to listen to. Perhaps its that they're the band that I know I'm supposed to like but have never really fallen for. Like that nice attractive girl next door who you have a cup of tea with when your not really doing anything else. I wish I could interview stereolab "Critics have likened you to an attractive girl next door who you can have a cup of tea with when your not really doing anything else. How do you respond to this?" I think id make a good journalist.

Is there a rule that on any given day you always manage to achieve about 50% of what you intended never more never less. I thought perhaps I was setting my targets a little high but whenever I lower them I still manage to reach about the same ratio.

random thoughts and trivia

why do I bother to buy more than two bananas at a time?

there's is an unexplainable smell of cheese in mikes apartment. could it be that mike is made from cheese or do I need to clean the toaster oven.

meanwhile my jumper smells like wet dog.

I had my first Japanese lesson today.


Blogger rhymes with pony said...

maybe you should become a chimney sweeper.
can you try and find me a copy of this with english subtitles

6:00 PM  
Blogger rhymes with pony said...


6:01 PM  
Blogger Gram said...

possibly. ill look into it for you. if the dvd does have subtitles do you want me to send it to you? theres a strong chance that it will be

a. expensive

b. the wrong region for your dvd player unless of course you have a universal one.

i cant believe you didnt mention a cunning dash from the supper club that night in your blog. you could have made us sound like lovable pranksters instead of just plain old boring lovable.

did you go to that allegedly secret event that by the next morning other people were telling me about?

4:16 AM  
Blogger Gram said...

urmmm yes well i just looked a bit closer and that thar dvd will set you back to the tune of 85 or 90 AUS dollars before postage.

cho takai yo!

7:20 AM  
Blogger rhymes with pony said...

i didnt mention it because i realise a. i used to go out with a girl who is friends with owner
b. i have a lot of friends who have worked there and are friends with owner.

i will consult my bank balance re that dVD thanks for looking.

i read that tedious blog argument on the tools website, i cant believe you suggested being friends to him. Reading it was fun though, reminded me of the internet was in its infancy and text with the very infrequent picture was all it could manage; back then you used to get endless back and forth conversations that dug bigger wholes and created a chasm between the participants; once stuck in it they couldn't get out and would have to now spend their time with people they despised in a whole they dug themselves.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Gram said...

yeah...the whole thing was pretty retro i agree. i wasnt seriously suggesting we be friends, just had a moment where i saw myself in the mirror as a bitter and twisted old man and tried to redress the issue. i think i just made myself seem like a creepy old man instead.

good luck with the goonlight!

12:18 AM  

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