Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Five days, no luggage, thankyou thai airways!

People think I should be getting angry, but angers just one of the emotions fighting for a front seat in my conciousness right now, concern is high on the list but anger is taking an absolute bitchslapping from puzzlement and confusion, while opportunism is lurking in the shadows looking for a healthy insurance payout and the possibility of free airfare.

For no other purpose than to get it off my chest and document this once and for all I am missing a shotload of books that I was planning on starting the term with as well as ALL MY CLOTHES, various electorinic devices including the all important mobile phone, dictionary and camera, DVDs, All my Japanese notes and textbooks, omiyage presents, ALL MY UNDERPANTS.

Or to put it more succintly, they lost my fucking shit.


In the meantime I learnt eh word for in the meantime (toriaizu) so in the meantime, term is off to a pretty good start al things considered, I am no longer sitting in between Vietnam Vet and kiddy rapist and I am actually enjoying teaching my kids.

One of my students has started his own insurance company in his mind and has made me a member, he made me a card with an ID number. So at least someones giving me health insurance even if the Mobsters that run this place refuse to.


Blogger rhymes with pony said...

how did this resolve itself by the way?

7:10 PM  

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