day 10,229
today i turned 10,299 days old.
i excited about an interview i have on wednesday.
i am worried that working too much might do permanant damage to my personality.
i have commited myself to being a cleaner person. i will trim my nails often and wash my hair every night. the change has been inspired by a new set of drawers i go that hang in my cuboard. the drawers have inspired me to become more organised and to compartmentalise my life into clearly defined, productive units.
as well as this i am worried about the long term effects of being with someone you dont love and whether the side effect of this emotional recklessness is working too hard.
last week i had fun helping a friend write some english copy for a bank he was designing a brochure for. my favorite lines were
"you're in safe hands"
"tommorows banking, today."
"think globally, bank locally"
"good times, great banking"
i will blog more
i excited about an interview i have on wednesday.
i am worried that working too much might do permanant damage to my personality.
i have commited myself to being a cleaner person. i will trim my nails often and wash my hair every night. the change has been inspired by a new set of drawers i go that hang in my cuboard. the drawers have inspired me to become more organised and to compartmentalise my life into clearly defined, productive units.
as well as this i am worried about the long term effects of being with someone you dont love and whether the side effect of this emotional recklessness is working too hard.
last week i had fun helping a friend write some english copy for a bank he was designing a brochure for. my favorite lines were
"you're in safe hands"
"tommorows banking, today."
"think globally, bank locally"
"good times, great banking"
i will blog more
"as well as this i am worried about the long term effects of being with someone you dont love"
snap me and prue just broke up for this same reason. I think are generation and maybe since the hippies are emotional idealists. We won't settle for anything that seems fake or convienient (like our parents). I am unsure whether this is a good thing and have been thinking about the virtues of arranged marriage for a while.
Who knows? I am confused and also working in a job that not only leaches my personality and turns me into a stifled robot but also is giving creeping loathing to that which i once loved (Film, media art, computer games etc.)
Oh well, think of you back here in melbourne and anna and i are looking forward to any visits back here that you might be planning.
sigh ah nahra
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