Black. It's like space without the stars.
Blog synopsis: fireworks, civilized japanese crowds, the beach, going to vietnam. 
So the no drinking thing lasted six days. Have you ever been to fireworks without drinking? If thats sounds pathetic then think about the situation, Its a hot summer night, sitting under a tree with your friends. Even the most hardy AA member is bound to crumble.
The fireworks were do i describe them so that my year 12 english teacher would be impressed.... a symphony of color, a visual feast, it took my breath away, unputtdownable, quite simply the best book ive read in ages.
Japnese fireworks kick arse. They have ones that form Doraemon for chrissakes. For those that dont know Doraemon is the blue cat that looks like a lightbulb with whiskers, a bit like pikachu but blue.
What was more amazing was something you can easily forget when youve been living here a while. Everyone is so damned civilized! Can you imagine close to a million people going to the park at night for a free event, everyone crammed next to each other, being able to booze all they want. If that happened in Melbourne it would take weeks to regain control of the CBD. You just cant trust us. Japanese on the other hand will leave the minute the show is over, pick up all their rubbish and quietly make their way back home.
I got a similar feeling the next day at Kamakura beach. They have Bars on the beach over here. You just couldnt do that in Australia. Otherwise, Kamakura is a bit like Miami without the blonde hair. The sand is grey, alot of RVs, plenty of bars, places to buy hotdogs, a club playing play that funky music onto the shore below, kids with fireworks, more hotdog stands, fire twirling exhibitions, trance music, yankee girls, motorbikes, russian prostitutes and a couple of guys from argentina we played soccer with.
So the Beach thing inspired me. Im going to Vietnam for a week before i go home. I am going to go to Ho Chi Minh, I am going to a market, I am going to go on a boat through some rice paddies and i am going to lie on a beach. It should be grand.